The Summit Magazine Issues
The Summit Magazine v.40 – Lynnise Smith – Amplifying & Powering Forward
In this issue of The Summit Magazine, our Cover Story highlights Lynnise Smith – CEO of WBEC ORV on how the Women’s Business Enterprise Council is Empowering Women in Business.
Discover how the Women’s Business Enterprise Council Ohio River Valley (WBEC ORV) empowers women in business through championing diversity, fostering economic inclusion, and providing tailored support and resources to overcome challenges. . . Page 16
Also, hear from Robert DeJournett – in “Unlocking Potential: The DEI Vision of Robert DeJournett” – With over two decades dedicated to DEI working in the corporate arena Rober has see a think or two and shares his thoughts on the future of DEI initiatives. . . Page 10
This issue is jam-packed with plenty of information on how to grow your business in a multitude of different areas.